On the ferry!

This posting should have been put up on Monday but we lost the signal and this is the first chance we have had to come back to the blog…..So below is what you would have got while we were travelling…..

Well we made it on the ferry this time AND we have set sail. We’ve had a lavish dinner and spent a fortune on ridiculously expensive beer and wine. Good job I bought a lot of my own
All five cars are tucked up in the car port and we will soon be in our cabins for the night. We’re an hour ahead and have passed Lowestoft so far. The on board interactive map is showing every nautical mile. We’re not exactly speeding along but by the time we wake up we`ll be in the middle of the north sea and Denmark here we come!

We have a jolly singer on board entertaining us with his guitar and we have a bottle of the world’s most expensive bottle of wine that we are sippping like a liqueur to make it last. All is well as we speed (not really speed actually, we are chugging) towards Ejsberg, Denmark. When we wake up we will be in Danish waters. Night night.

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